Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
•Denotes shared first authorship
Peters, S. D., Maner, J. K., & Meltzer, A. L. (2024). Sexual desire is not partner specific: Evidence for a positive association between desire for one’s romantic partner and desire for alternative partners. Human Nature. OnlineFirst.
Peters, S. D., Meltzer, A. L., & McNulty, J. K. (2024). Own and partner attachment insecurity interact to predict marital satisfaction and dissolution. In press at Social Psychological and Personality Science. OnlineFirst.
•Hendrickson, J., •Peters, S. D., French, J. E., & Maner, J. K. (2024). Distinct individual differences in motivations for pair-bonding and sexual behavior: Implications for close relationships. Personality and Individual Differences, 230, 1-7.
Paitel, E. R., Peters, S. D., Lobermeier, M., & Lopez, R. A. (2022). Age-related no-go P300 amplitudes are moderated by exposure to early-life stress. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 180, 1-9.
Peters, S. D. & Meltzer, A. L. (2021). Newlywed couples’ own and partner sexual disgust sensitivities interact to predict their marital satisfaction through their sexual satisfaction. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 50(6), 2563-2577.
Lobermeier, M. & Peters, S. (2020). Behavioral and ERP measures of response initiation and response inhibition among high and low sensation seekers. Psi Chi Journal of Psychological Research, 25, 65-76.
Cowell, R. A., Paitel, E. R., & Peters, S. (2019). The context of caution: An examination of age, social context, and sex on measures of inhibitory control and risky decision-making. The International Journal of Aging and Human Development, 90, 84-103.
Peters, S. & Salzsieder, H. (2018). What makes you swipe right? Gender similarity in interpersonal attraction in a simulated online dating context. Psi Chi Journal of Psychological Research, 23, 320-329.
Invited Chapters & Encyclopedia Entries
Peters, S. D. & Meltzer, A. L. (2023). Sex differences: Emotional versus sexual infidelity. In T. Shackelford (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Sexual Psychology and Behavior. Springer, Cham.
French, J. E., Peters, S. D., Breedin, O. W., Altgelt, E. E., & Meltzer. A. L. (2022). Shifts in partner attractiveness. In T. Shackelford (Ed.), Cambridge Handbook of Evolutionary Perspectives on Sexual Psychology, Volume 3: Female Sexual Adaptations. New York: Springer.
Manuscripts Under Review
*Denotes supervised undergraduate student
Peters, S. D.,*Glicken, D. S., Meltzer, A. L., & McNulty, J. K. Does sex today reduce stress tomorrow? Examining lagged-associations between sex and stress among newlywed couples. Under review at Archives of Sexual Behavior.
Peters, S. D., Meltzer, A. L., French, J. E, Altgelt, E. E., Hicks, L. L., & McNulty, J. K. Is interpersonal wisdom individual or collective? Distinguishing the effects of ideal-partner consistency and normative desirability on relationship outcomes. Under review at Journal of Experimental Psychology: General.
Peters, S. D., Maner, J. K., & Meltzer, A. L. Why do people prioritize physical attractiveness in long-term relationship partners? The key mechanistic role of sexual desire. Under review at Journal of Experimental Social Psychology.